Model name: VCG-663CN3, VCG-666CN7
Double speed charging to electric vehicles possible not only from system power, but also from solar panels and batteries. Also, save money by providing electricity to households from batteries of electric vehicles which were charged during the night where lower cost electricity is available. It can be a back up electricity source from the large capacity batteries of electric vehicles in case of blackouts in emergency situations.
Connector details : CHAdeMO
Max DC output power : 6kw
Voltage/current (AC) : AC 100/200V
Communication Protocols : CHAdeMO 2.1 - FEATURES
Double speed charging
About manufacturer
- Company description
- Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Film Capacitor, Positive Thermistor “Pozial ®”, V2H System, Home Storage System, Quick Charger for EV, Public / Industrial Energy Storage System, Switching Power Supply, Functional Module, Medical Accelerator Power Supply, for Academic Research Accelerator power supply, power failure / instantaneous low compensation device, etc.
- Markets covered
- EV products
Vehicle charger, V2H system, quick charger, film capacitor for inverter, aluminum electrolytic capacitor for automobiles.
Manufacturer news

- CHAdeMO comments for AFIR delegated act draft
- Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Position papers | Standardisation & harmonisation

- High voltage charging now possible in Japan
- EV charging infrastructure | Members & products

- Information package on CHAdeMO standard for EPAC charger (Charge2Bike v1.2) now available
- Association & protocol news | Standardisation & harmonisation