CHAdeMO autumn 2020 presentations

CHAdeMO representatives spoke at various other events during the autumn 2020 season

Apart from Mr Anegawa’s participation in the AEC2020 conference, CHAdeMO took part in various conferences and webinars this season.

CHAdeMO Secretary General, Mr Dave Yoshida, spoke at a session titled “Building EV charging infrastructure in Asia” organised on 8 September on the occasion of Move Asia Virtual 2020. Mr Yoshida pointed out the importance of developing charging infrastructure that are adapted to the regional requirements and local context in order to accelerate the EV uptake in Asian countries and presented CHAdeMO’s approach of empowering the local e-mobility stakeholders by localising its certification network, so that the local EV charging infrastructure can be made, operated and repaired by local stakeholders. He also mentioned that an appropriate and sustainable business model is crucial for the further development of EVs and suggested that ultra-high-power charging is not necessarily the best approach from this standpoint.

eMove360°, the annual meeting spot for many of the e-mobility stakeholders in Europe, turned into a physical/online mix event in 2020. While there was no CHAdeMO stand at the event this year, Ms Tomoko Blech, Secretary General of CHAdeMO Europe, participated as a speaker in the “Charging & Energy Day” of the Future Mobility Conference. Titled “Good charging infrastructure for sustainable E-mobility,” she talked about what “good” DC charging infrastructure should look like according to CHAdeMO. She argued that such infrastructure is reliable, sustainable and evolving, and emphasised that CHAdeMO ticks all the criteria. CHAdeMO is reliable as CHAdeMO chargers are not only available but safe and interoperable across many EV and charger models. It is sustainable as we strive to keep charging affordable, with CHAdeMO’s strengths in being adaptable, extendable and backward compatible so as not to waste any investments. CHAdeMO is evolving because it innovates in V2G (vehicle-to-grid)/VGI (vehicle-grid-integration) and takes the lead in harmonising global standards. The recording of Tomoko’s presentation can be viewed from here (20 minutes), courtesy of the organiser.

Cenex LCV (low carbon vehicle event), the biggest e-mobility event in the U.K., also held its first online event (both stands and conference went virtual) this year. In the conference’s Future Transport and Energy Challenges Technical Talks seminar, Mr Tomoya Imazu, Head of Technical Committee, presented “Harmonising DC charging: how ultra-rapid charging innovation will change the way we use our EVs” in the “Charging Behaviours” session. In his presentation, Mr Imazu named two potential “roadblocks” for EV uptake: 1. a variety of EV DC charging standards’ co-existence not being customer-friendly, and 2. how EVs can be considered relatively expensive if only used for driving. He explained that these “roadblocks” can be turned into “opportunities” for EVs, by 1. the movement of harmonisation for a new and advanced standard, ensuring backward compatibility with all existing standards, and by 2. unlocking additional values EVs can provide to customers and eventually to the power grid using V2G, emphasising that V2G was already a reality for CHAdeMO since 2012. The recording of Mr Imazu’s presentation can be viewed from here (14 minutes), courtesy of the organiser.

Images courtesy of Move Asia 2020, eMove360°, Cenex LCV organisers
(from top to bottom respectively)

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