5.9kWModel name: DNEVC-D6075
This product can be charged during the night with lower cost and feed electricity during the day. Charged electricity in electric vehicles can be used even in case of power supply interruptions. The common household outlets and/or 200V power source can be used for your safe and comfortable life.
Connector details : CHAdeMO
Max DC output power : 6.0kW
Voltqge - Current : AC 100 - 200V
Communication Protocols : V2H2.1
Efficiency 0% - FEATURES
Double speed charging
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- Denso
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- EV products
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- CHAdeMO comments for AFIR delegated act draft
- Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Position papers | Standardisation & harmonisation

- High voltage charging now possible in Japan
- EV charging infrastructure | Members & products

- Information package on CHAdeMO standard for EPAC charger (Charge2Bike v1.2) now available
- Association & protocol news | Standardisation & harmonisation